Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tentang Cuti Umum

Cuti umum, cuti thaipusam....Sekadar beristirehat di rumah..sejenak...aku teringat tentang perbualan aku dgn seorg labmate bangsa asing....

A: Tomorrow Public Holiday?
Aku: Yeah...of Course!
A: Public holiday for what?
Aku: Thaipusam... celebrating by Hindus.
A: So many public holiday in Malaysia.
Aku: Of course, because we are in multi-racial country.
A: In my country, only New Year, Christmas and Islamic celebration. The rest no public holiday.
Aku: You remember, last month we celebrated Sultan Selangor birthday.
A: Next time, I will suggest to my country, my birthday must be public holiday (kidding).
Laughing together....

Bulan ini saje dah 3 kali Public Holiday.
1 Jan: New Year 2008
10 Jan: Awal Muharram
23 Jan (Today): Thaipusam...

Chatting dgn member kat UK...dia org tak cuti... hehheeeeeeee

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